Progress & Future Plans

Born in Rwanda, pan-Africa and global in vision

ACES represents a significant milestone in our collective journey towards a more sustainable, equitable, and resilient food and health systems for Africa. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions, ACES will empower farmers, healthcare workers, and stakeholders across various sectors to mitigate losses, enhance resilience, and promote sustainable development.

Honourable Rwanda Minister of the Environment

Dr Jeanne d'Arc Mujawamariya

ACES centre opening ceremony in Kigali

The programme was designed as “Born in Rwanda, pan-Africa and global in vision” with phase 1 – the build – to include:

  • The design and development of the framework, toolkits, training materials, etc
  • ACES acting as the African reference and knowledge development “Hub”.
  • The first SPOKE in Kenya, led by the Africa Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), which acts as the reference SPOKE and support team for roll-out into other Africa market.
  • Three further SPOKEs in development – in Rwanda, Senegal and Lesotho
  • The model being replicated in India with two Centres in design with the Governments of Haryana and Telangana.
  • The build of the online knowledge platform

With the programmed designed, toolkits and first training materials developed, key resources built and being kitted out in Rwanda and Kenya and key in-country team members and technical staff recruited and trained, we are now moving to full mobilisation and roll-out to include further Centres of Excellence in new markets and SPOKEs in Africa initially and other markets as the Centres come on stream.