Management & Governance

Direction & Budget Allocation

The Clean Cooling Network Strategy and Oversight Committee (CCN-SOC) provide the overarching direction of the programme and approve the budget allocation and objectives for each operating unit/market as well as check back on progress.

The Academic team led by the Centre of Sustainable Cooling is responsible of programme design, content development and new market development.

Each country develops an in-country programme management team tapping into the central experts and using the tools and frameworks developed available through the knowledge platform. The Africa Clean Cooling Institute specifically supports the roll0-out of the SPOKE programme in Africa.

Management and governance infographic

All parties formally report back to the UNEP twice and year and in turn UNEP reports back to Defra as the lead funder.

A significant element of the programme is delivered through a collaboration of leading UK Universities. We operate in line accordance with the University Statutes, the Statement of Recommended Practice: Accounting for Further and Higher Education Institutions and other relevant accounting and management standards as well as impact reporting (REF)

As the Programme transitions to implementation, it will have key criteria of audit

Impact: To the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment and quality of life. There is a specific theme in the programme for reporting on GESI.

Impact reach: The extent and/or diversity of the beneficiaries of the impact. 

Impact significance: The degree to which impact has enabled, enriched, influenced, informed or changed the performance, policies, practices, products, services, understanding, awareness or wellbeing of the beneficiaries.


Knowledge exchange and research environment

Outputs and Research Power