Centres & SPOKEs

On-the-ground Solutions Delivery

The core structure for delivery is a “hub and spoke” model, with a single centre servicing one or more SPOKEs in neighbouring locations.


The currently operating centre is the Africa Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Cooling and Cold-chain (ACES) – housed on a five hectare campus with adjacent 200 hectare farm in Kigali, Rwanda to undertake collaborative research, test new equipment, develop knowledge, training programmes and robust business models.

Two further Centres of Excellence are in development in India in Haryana and Telangana.


"SPecialised Outreach and Knowledge Enterprises (SPOKE)"

SPOKEs across the continent will showcase how solutions can be deployed in practical, real-world applications and provide the ground training, capacity building and support for farmers and their communities from designing sustainable community cooling and cold-chain solutions, developing financeable business models, through to the day-to-day operations and Post-harvest Management, as well as developing the network of skilled engineers to support equipment installation and maintenance.

SPOKEs can be sector specific (fish, dairy, etc.) according to the country’s need and to build up a network of expertise to cross-fertilise. A SPOKE will have the following elements: 

The knowledge and training site

This will cascade out the training developed and tested at ACES and/or ACCI into market through on the ground training to farmers as well foundation courses, etc. There will be technology demonstrations to support training.   The team will also be able to provide on-going support and advice.


The knowledge and training site will facilitate an environment for collaboration between the industry, governments, academia and development institutions. Additionally, the program will offer training sessions designed for policy-makers while emerging technologies can be showcased.

Model CCH

Model CCH where an operational CCH is established based on the results of the needs assessment and first TBYB deployment. This will be in use by a community but is subsidized, so can be used for demonstration and training to other farmer communities and also to test new equipment. It can also act as an outreach base for training, mentoring and even technical support. (Knowledge and Training site and Model CCH can be co-located).

“Try Before You Buy” (TBYB)

Free-of-charge basic cold-chain equipment (pre-cooling, aggregation and cold staging (storage) at community level and temperature-controlled vehicle) lent to farmer communities and co-operatives to enable them to test their business plan, validate their business model and allow their farmers to experience the value of cold-chain before

  • Farmers – (for example) making a financial commitment to a co-operative (even of a few dollars)

  • Co-operative – (for example) pitching a bank for finance to acquire their own cold-chain solution.

Mobile training

We are developing a pilot bespoke training facility which is built into a 40ft container/fixed lorry so as to be able to travel out to communities, technical colleges and other locations to provide training and certification. Benefits of this approach include:

  • Wider reach – including to more remote or distant places where training provision and accessibility are likely limited.
  • Better efficiencies – can take training to people and lower travel and DSA related costs; can access informal market
  • Flexibility to help balance ongoing work commitments and training needs (e.g. for farmers and engineers) rather than force trainees to visit the Centre for an extended.
  • Enables quick deployment of training resources and strengthened support and national capacity – supports effective handling and adoption of low-GWP energy efficient technologies.